KASS Stainless Steel Bakki Shower

The KASS Stainless Steel Bakki Shower is designed to draw in a high volume of air and accommodate large water flows. Each media tray on the shower features a 10” dedicated air gap for increased air introduction. The space between each media tray is important as it allows for more air circulation within the shower. The tray support is designed to reduce typical shower splash, while allowing high air flow into the shower to aid in bio-conversion. The KASS Stainless Steel Bakki Shower is modular in design and can be set up in either a single tray or multi tray configuration. We recommend a two tray system, as this is the most efficient setup for bio-conversion vs pump capacity (head loss).
Water is delivered to the shower via a diffuser rain top, the diffuser plate is removable if necessary to clean the rain top.
The complete line up of KASS Pond Equipment is Proudly Made in the USA.

Featuring Momotaro Bacteria House Media

KASS Stainless Steel Bakki Showers are available in 2 different sizes (2 tray system):
Size: 36” x 24” x 56” designed for flows up to 11,000 GPH
Media Capacity: 50 - 70 Kilos of Momotaro Bacteria House Media.
Size: 48” x 36” x 56” designed for flows up to 22,000 GPH
Media Capacity: 120 -160 Kilos of Momotaro Bacteria House Media.
Return Options
KASS showers have 3 different options to return water to the pond: Waterfall, Gravity Piped or Rain
The spillway comes with a standard 6” long weir, but can be customized to any length needed for your project.
Gravity Piped
4” returns are standard , we can also install 3” returns if desired. All returns are threaded stainless steel male nipple – no rubber flex coupling. The returns can be installed on the long or short side (or both) or on the bottom of the tray.
The Shower can be suspended over the pond and the water will rain into pond through the open bottom tray.

KASS Stainless Steel Bakki Showers are manufactured by Koi Acres, so modifications are easily accommodated - i.e. width & length of waterfall weirs size, number and location of gravity returns.
To place an order or if you have any questions, please contact us by emailing sales@koiacres.com or by phone at (855) 564-7467.